Monday, January 8, 2007


Like jonvon, I've been pretty quiet lately. I've been reading blogs but haven't had a lot of time to post anything of my own. I hope to try to get back to it, at least for SNTT.

Anyway, I found LifeHacker a while back and have found some really cool tips on it. It's one of my new favorite feeds/sites. In fact, one of the Christmas presents I asked for (and got), a GorillaPod, was because I saw it on LifeHacker. Not everything is applicable but there are usually a couple of things a week that I wouldn't have thought of otherwise. Like this one (great if you have younger kids).

Another site I found thanks to LifeHacker is GiveawayOfTheDay. They work with software vendors to have a piece of software you normally have to pay for be available for free for a day. You have to download, install and activate the software that day for it to be free and I think you'd have to purchase it if it needed to be reinstalled later, but I've had a couple of things in the couple of weeks I've been subscribed to their feed.

That's my public service for today.

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